
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Pickle Snob

Sweet Garlic Pickles

I'm a pickle snob.
Yes, I really am.
I come from a family of great picklers. My Mom makes the best spicy, tangy pickles EVER!
My Grandma made some dam fine "Bread and Butter" pickles, which were sweet and tangy... however, compared to my Mom's spicy dills, they were no comparison.

Really, I was no sweet pickle fan, until now.

A friend and former co-worker, who moved to Montana, and opened a specialty foods business sent me something I could get both sides of my taste buds around- spicy and sweet!  I took one taste... and WOW-  the garlic, the spice, the crunch and the sweet.  The perfect combination of flavors and texture.  A memorable morsel for your mouth!
Yes, in full disclosure, he SENT these to me!  Shamelessly, I am giving him a plug because I love his pickles!  That's okay, it's good to be snobby and brag about pickles.

Plate and Pantry is such a cute brand with tons of fun specialty items to share with the world!  Mostly easily found in Montana these days, however, don't be surprised to see them grow.  This guy is tenacious and I expect to see great things.
The good news?
You can always order these online at Plate & Pantry.

Sorry, this is not a recipe blog post.  I cannot give you my Mom's pickle recipe, and Bryan doesn't want to share his recipe either.  WAIT!
You want a little bitty recipe?

Here's one for a Dirty Pickle Martini, featuring, of course (!) Plate & Pantry Sweet Garlic Dills!

Make one(double for two)
3 oz vodka, or gin
1 drop of dry vermouth
1 Tbsp of pickle juice
A couple pieces of pickle

Shake the vokda, dry vermouth and pickle juice over ice.  Strain into a glass and serve with a skewered pickle round, or two.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed our pickles and LOVE the recipe. We always enjoy hearing how people find other great ways to enjoy our product. Thanks!!
